Live video streaming is the next ‘big thing’ when it comes to internet marketing. In fact, it might just be the next big thing when it comes to mobile technology and the web in general. This is an upcoming platform that presents a ton of amazing opportunities and that every serious marketer should be all over at this point. This is the definition of getting ahead of the competition – and if you can start making waves here before everyone else gets involved it could potentially set you up for huge success in the future.
Facts You Should Know
Did you know that there are over 10,000,000 user accounts on Periscope?
And if you add up all the footage on that app, it comes to over 40 years of footage already. Not bad for a company that was only launched in March 2015, with just 23 employees!
That tells you that Periscope is already massive but also that it’s very much climbing. If it’s had that many new subscribers in that short amount of time, imagine how many it will have in a few years!
Certainly Twitter sees the potential of this platform; the company bought the app shortly after for the princely sum of $100 million. Twitter are generally pretty good at predicting market trends when it comes to social media…
Today Meerkat is in the top 100 apps in the App Store, rubbing shoulders with the likes of Facebook, Microsoft Office and Angry Birds.
Periscope has 2 million active users everyday, is enjoyed in 25 countries and is generally one of the most exciting up-and-coming platforms available. In its first month of launching, it was receiving over 60K Tweets daily.
And it’s not all about Periscope either. Meerkat actually launched around the same time and by the end of its first month it had 120,000 users.
The only question? Where can you learn about such a new marketing platform?
Thankfully, I have created a course on exactly that.
Course Outline
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